刘章 副教授,博士
发布时间 : 2022-07-01      动态浏览次数 : 2079

刘章,理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。大北农教学精英奖获得者,江西省数学学会理事,担任《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、《Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation》、《应用数学学报》等数学或统计学著名期刊审稿人。主讲“概率统计”、“高等数学”、“金融数学”、“数学建模”等本科或研究生课程。主持或参与省级以上科研课题10余项,独撰专著1部,在《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、《Entropy》、《Applied Probability and Statistics》、《Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation》等数学与统计学优秀期刊上发表科研论文30余篇。教学方面:曾获得第三届“大北农教学标兵”,分别获得江西省第一届、第四届青年教师教学竞赛二等奖;教学评估为优秀一级;3次获评江西农业大学优秀教师;参与教学研究成果获得江西省优秀教学成果二等奖1项,校级优秀教学成果一等奖2项,二等奖2项;此外,多次获得“三育人”先进个人、“优秀班主任”、“教师风采奖”等荣誉。竞赛培训指导方面:指导学生参加大学生数学建模竞赛方面共获得国家级奖项3项,美赛获奖3项,省级奖项18项;两次获评江西省科技创新竞赛优秀指导老师。



    1. 金融与保险精算数学

2. 大数据分析与统计建模

3. 风险管理与 Lévy风险模型若干问题


[1] 带跳保险风险模型的混合分红策略研究,编号:JC20203,主持

[2] 基于JAVA建模的服务系统管理设计,编号:2021JXAUHX140,主持

[3] Lévy过程驱动的金融模型中若干风险变量的相依性及其最优策略问题研究,编号:GJJ180201,主持

[4] 学科竞赛融合“五维一体”创新人才培养模式研究----以数学建模竞赛为例,编号:JXJG-19-3-6,主持

[5] 带分红与注资的金融模型的最优风险控制研究,编号:GJJ150401,主持

[6] 目标驱动“五维一体”型分层教学模式融入农业高校数学课程教学的研究与实践,编号:JXJG-16-3-18,主持



[1] 刘章. 保险风险模型的分红与破产分析,经济管理出版社,202110.

[2] 朱建章,刘章*,王心彦,胡亦钧. 扭曲风险度量下的带约束最优再保险,数学学报,2022.6.

[3] Liu Z*, Chen P, Hu Y. On the dual risk model with diffusion under a mixed dividend strategy. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020, 376: 125115.

[4] Liu Z*, Chen P. Dividend payments until draw-down time for risk models driven by spectrally negative Lévy processes. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2020: 1-20.

[5] Liu Z. Statistical analysis and prediction based on recursive calculation under short and long term models, Journal of Physics, 2020, 1629(1): 012082.

[6] Miao L, Liu Z, Hu Y. Dynamic Risk Measures for Anticipated Backward Doubly Stochastic Volterra Integral Equations. Entropy, 2021, 23(12): 1580.

[7] Miao L, Liu Z, Hu Y. Dynamic Risk Measures for Processes via Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Associated with Lévy Processes. Entropy, 2021, 23(6): 741.

[8] Zhang A, Liu Z*. A Lévy Risk Model with Ratcheting Dividend Strategy and Historic High-Related Stopping. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020.

[9] Zhang A, Liu Z*.On Occupation Times for Compound Poisson Risk Model with Two-Step Premium Rate, Applied probability and statistics of Chinese Journal, 2020.

[10] Zhang A, Liu Z*. Wang W, Hu Y. Impulse stochastic control for the optimal dividend strategy in the classical risk model with capital injectiontransaction costs and taxes, Applied probability and statistics of Chinese Journal, 2019.



